The International Society for Salt Lake Research (ISSLR) encourages graduate students and young researchers from around the world to attend the 13th International Conference on Salt Lake Research. There is a budget from the Society for travel assistance for students and researches up to the age of 35. If such assistance would enable you to attend (whether you are a graduate student or young scientist), please send an application in free format with estimated ticket price, your CV, and the title of your planned presentation or poster to the Vice-President of the ISSLR (Dr. Egor Zadereev, Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.). The ISSLR can support only travel expenses (4 travel awards of up to $500 each will be granted). Travel awards will be distributed based on the scientific quality and financial needs of applicants.
- Welcome
- Registration
- Organizing committees
- Scientific program
- Travel
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